Code of Conduct


Ensure that any data used in machine learning projects is obtained, shared, and used in accordance with ethical guidelines, respecting privacy and avoiding biases that could harm individuals or groups.


We encourage respectful dialogue and an inclusive environment for all contributors and users, regardless of their experience level, background, or identity. Harassment or exclusionary behavior will not be tolerated.


Contributions should adhere to the project's established coding standards, documentation practices, and ethical guidelines. Pull requests should be clear, well-documented, and properly tested.


Every channel in this server is created for a specific purpose. Make sure you convey the message in the right channel. Always keep within the designated topic of every channel.


We value collaboration and mutual support. Help others by providing constructive feedback, answering questions, and sharing resources. Collaboration should be done in a spirit of learning and improvement.


Always give proper credit to the original authors of code, data, or other contributions. Respect the licenses of any third-party software or datasets used in your projects.

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